3 Tips for Fine-Tuning Your 2023 Nonprofit Marketing Plan

Every nonprofit organization needs a solid marketing plan to boost annual donations. This image depicts a man's hand writing on a sticky note in a line of colorful sticky notes, as one might do to visually plan a strategy.

A nonprofit without a marketing plan is like a ship without a rudder. A solid fundraising strategy ensures your messages reach your donors and they’re compelled to give. But as the economy seems to be making a bit of a downturn this year, you may ask yourself if you’re going to meet your fundraising goals.

Your marketing plan likely already identifies your target audience, highlights strategic messaging, and outlines strategies for engaging with your donors. But do you know how best to allocate your budget and resources in a cost-effective way that’s most likely to produce results? 

Now is the time to review your nonprofit marketing plan for 2023 and fine-tune your tactics so you can make a bigger impact in the communities you serve. 

Keep these 3 things in mind as you evaluate your plans for this year.

1. Analyze data from past campaigns.

Reviewing your past marketing data will help you build your strategy for the future. Once you have a clear idea of what has worked and what hasn’t, you’ll be better positioned to repeat successful campaigns and archive those that may have been disappointing.

To start, create a “hub” where you can compile data from your past fundraising campaigns and compare the results of each one. A spreadsheet is one of the best ways to do this as you have an array of functionality available to compare and contrast the results of your campaigns. 

Look back through the numbers from the last 2-5 years, making note of things like your budget, your estimated reach, engagement, and donations made as a result of each individual campaign. All of this will give you a better idea of whether you had a good return on your marketing investment.

2. Rub shoulders with other NPO leaders and swap fundraising tactics.

As a nonprofit, you’re not reinventing the wheel; you’re raising money for your organization. And you’re not alone! 

Unlike the world of business, garnering donations isn’t a competition. It literally pays to swap ideas and strategies with other nonprofits. By exchanging ideas, you learn from other organizations’ successes and failures, and ultimately ensure you set effective strategies in motion.

Additionally, sharing knowledge may help you identify more potential supporters and create new opportunities for donor engagement. By collaborating on fundraising tactics, you can maximize your impact and increase donations. 

While one strategy doesn’t fit every organization’s goals or strike the right tone with every audience, sharing resources is an invaluable way for nonprofits to support each other and make progress towards achieving common goals.

3. Ask your audience what drives them to give. 

As a nonprofit leader, you know how important it is to build strong relationships with your donors. Why not make asking for feedback part of your relationship-building process?

Use the platforms you already have – in particular, the platforms you can use for free (or nearly free):

  • Email your previous donors and newsletter subscribers asking for their feedback via a short online survey. 

  • Post a survey link on your social media platforms (more than once!) and ask followers to share their insights. 

  • Create a temporary pop-up on your website with a link to that survey or ask for feedback after someone makes an online donation. 

  • Host a Q&A session locally or online and promote it as a chance to learn more about your organization. Close out the meetup with questions of your own.

No matter the route you take, ask probing questions. How did they learn about you? What drives them to give? What campaigns most compelled them to give? 

These responses will not only help you forge deeper connections with your donors, but it will give you invaluable insight into how your organization is perceived, what you’re doing well to spread awareness about your mission, and what strategies work best for boosting donations and volunteer sign-ups. 

Prepare for a Successful 2023

To make this year a fundraising success, take the time to review your campaign plans before dipping into your annual budget. 

Start with a data-driven approach and analyze your past campaign wins and losses. Talk with other NPO leaders about what’s working at their organizations. And most importantly, ask your donors for their feedback. 

Ready to put your marketing strategy into action? Let us do the heavy (paper) lifting: At Commerce Press, we’re here to ensure you get your message out in the most budget-friendly and effective way possible so you can drive maximum donations for your cause. Contact us today to get a free consultation and quote for your next fundraising campaign.


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