Why Printed Materials Still Matter in the Digital Age of Education

Despite the push to bring technology into the classroom, printed materials still matter and have a place among students. This image depicts elementary school-aged children raising their hands during a lesson. They have textbooks open on their desks.

Kids these days – it seems like they constantly have their heads turned toward a device, be it a smartphone, a tablet, a PC screen, or a TV hooked up to a PS3. With so much to distract them, it might seem impossible to get their attention any other way. It might be just as easy to assume that printed materials have lost their relevance. 

It’s true – with the rise of e-books, online courses, and other digital resources, it's easy to overlook the importance of printed materials in education. However, while digital materials have their advantages, printed materials still have an important role to play in the digital age of education. 

In this article, we'll explore the reasons why printed materials still matter in education today.

1. They offer a break from screens.

In today's digital age, students spend countless hours staring at screens. This is the case now both outside and now inside the classroom. From smartphones to tablets to laptops, digital devices have become an essential part of modern life. 

However, studies have shown spending too much time in front of screens can have negative effects on both physical and mental health. Despite how much we need them in our daily lives, they can be harmful. 

Printed materials offer a welcome break from screens, allowing students to give their eyes a rest and reducing the risk of eye strain, headaches, and other digital-related health issues.

2. They allow for more focused learning.

Think about how often you check notifications on your phone or how easy it is to get sidetracked from what you set out to do when you pick up a digital device. Now compound that with the distractibility of an average student. 

When reading from a screen, it's easy to get absorbed in notifications, social media, and other digital interruptions. 

Printed materials, on the other hand, allow students to focus solely on the content in front of them without the temptation to check their Instagram or scroll through TikTok. This leads to more focused, productive learning, as students are less likely to get sidetracked by distractions.

3. They provide a tangible, physical experience.

While digital materials can be convenient and accessible, they lack the tactile experience of holding a physical book or document. Printed materials provide a tangible, physical experience that digital materials simply can't replicate. 

Students can take notes, highlight, and annotate printed materials in a way that feels more personal and engaging than using a digital device. More importantly, studies have shown this act of physically writing or making notes could be the difference between remembering and forgetting important information. For students, being able to recall information is paramount. 

4. They can be easier to navigate.

“Old-school” indices and alphabetized glossaries still have their place in modern education. Why? Because while digital materials can offer search functions and other navigation tools, they can also be overwhelming and difficult to navigate for some students. 

Printed materials, on the other hand, offer a more straightforward navigation experience, with students able to flip through pages and easily locate information without the need for digital search functions.

5. They can offer a more permanent record.

Digital materials can be easily misplaced, saved in a wrong folder or on a hard drive instead of in the cloud. Worse yet, they can be just as easily deleted! But printed materials offer a more permanent record of information. They can be stored, archived, and accessed without the fear of losing important information due to technical issues or digital glitches.

While digital materials certainly have their advantages, printed materials still have an important role to play in the digital age of education. 

From providing a break from screens to offering a more tactile, personal experience, printed materials offer unique benefits that digital materials simply can't replicate. As educators and learners, it's important to embrace a variety of learning materials and tools, including both digital and printed resources, in order to create a well-rounded, effective learning experience.

Ready to start planning your print projects to help engage your students? Our team is standing by to help. We work with creatives, educators, and school leaders in a wide array of schools and study disciplines. Contact us today.


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