Making Every Dollar Count: Cost-Effective Print Marketing Solutions for Nonprofits

While digital marketing has its place, traditional print marketing can be just as effective in reaching your target audience. When done right, it’s funding well spent. Here are 4 great options to consider for your next print marketing campaign.

While digital marketing has its place, traditional print marketing can be just as effective in reaching your target audience. But as a nonprofit, it can be challenging to determine which print options will be the most cost-effective and instrumental in promoting your cause and attracting donors. 

So is printing right for your organization? More often than not, the answer is yes. 

Plan before You Print

Marketing of any kind is costly, and print materials can take up a large chunk of your budget. When done right, it’s funding well spent. But when done without a plan, it could lead to lackluster results. 

Before you start printing flyers or brochures, ask yourself and your team to map out a plan. Make clear distinctions about what message you want to convey, who your target audience is, and what action you want them to take. 

Answering these questions will help you determine the best format for your print marketing materials and ensure that they are effective in achieving your goals. Here are 4 great options to consider for your next print marketing campaign.

1. Use postcards to meet donors at their mailbox.

Postcards are an excellent and cost-effective way to reach your target audience. You might use them to introduce your organization to potential donors or to remind current donors of your mission and upcoming events. These are great for short-term use or marketing specific events or campaigns.

A postcard gives you a great opportunity to lead with a compelling image to catch attention. Including a short message and a strong call to action help drive responses. Consider what you can do to make it as easy as possible for donors to reach you, such as including a QR code on your postcard or an easy-to-remember web address.

Postcards are less costly to produce than other materials like brochures or booklets, and they’re less expensive to mail than letters. But despite their small size, they’re highly successful.

If you’re on a tight budget, consider this: You don’t always have to mail postcards! Printing them like you would flyers, handouts, or brochures and placing them in strategic places can be just as effective as printing more costly materials. 

2. Create a brochure to send deeper, longer messages.

A well-designed brochure can be a powerful tool in promoting your nonprofit because unlike the limiting space of a postcard, they allow you to provide more detailed information about your organization, your mission, and the impact you're making. These are great for long-term use or if you promote the same annual events or campaigns.

Brochures are easily distributed at events, placed in waiting rooms, or mailed directly to potential donors. While brochures are generally more expensive to produce than postcards, you may be able to hand out the same brochure for years. 

Keep the information on your brochures evergreen – meaning no dates – and don’t print any information that is subject to change in the near future. This means less (or no!) waste in the long run.

3. Send personalized newsletters to excite donors.

A newsletter is an excellent way to keep your donors informed about your nonprofit's activities, events, and successes. It's an opportunity to showcase the impact of their donations and to encourage continued support. 

Newsletters are best used when reaching out to a house list of current and past donors as these groups are already familiar with your organization. You’re simply reconnecting with people who know you rather than informing “cold leads” about what you do.

While printing and mailing newsletters can be expensive, they’re a great way to cultivate a deeper connection with your donors. These perform best when they’re personalized and include some kind of a reply device, like a self-addressed reply envelope. 

4. Use branded promotional items to market beyond your events.

Promotional items, such as pens, tote bags, or stickers can be a cost-effective way to promote your nonprofit. Giving these away at events, as prizes in raffles, or as thank-you gifts to donors help spread brand awareness and recognition in your community. 

People love free stuff. And when you’re handing out items they can use or display somewhere proudly, they’re more likely to take what you’re offering and use it prominently.

Digital marketing may have its place, traditional print marketing is just as effective in reaching your target audience. 

It's important to make every marketing dollar count. Postcards, brochures, banners, newsletters, and branded promotional items can help you promote your nonprofit and attract (and re-attract or remind) donors about your work in a cost-effective way. 

Ready to start planning your next print marketing campaign? Commerce Press is here to help. Our team works with nonprofits in every sector to help them design and distribute materials to boost donations and build recognition. Reach out to us today for a no-strings-attached free quote.


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